One Day One KUA 2025
KUA’s annual Day of Giving was December 12, 2024. While we are still diligently counting final gifts from the amazing day celebrating KUA, we are nearing our 900 donor goal! So, be on the lookout for our announcement of the final numbers over the coming days! If you missed out on the Day of Giving, it is not too late to support The KUA Fund. If you would like to be counted among this year’s supporters, please make your gift now. Thank you!
What is "One Day. One KUA."?
‘One Day. One KUA.’ is an annual event celebrating the global community of Kimball Union Academy, featuring on-campus festivities, prizes, and worldwide participation from our alumni, families, and friends. This event highlights the collective impact of KUA’s supporters over two centuries.
How can I make a gift?
You can make a gift for One Day. One KUA. here.
Can I make a donation early? Will it count towards the Day of Giving?
Yes, all gifts made October 18 through December 12, 2024 will be counted as early bird gifts toward our donor goal for the Day of Giving. Early contributions are encouraged and appreciated. Early donors will be acknowledged on Day of Giving.
How else can I get involved for "One Day. One KUA."?
You can give thanks! Just make a submission to Shoutout KUA today, thanking someone in the KUA community for something they have given you. It is quick, easy and requires no special software or skills. These video shoutouts will be compiled between now and Day of Giving and played at All-School Meeting on November 14 as well as online as part of One Day. One KUA.
Will there be any recognition for donors?
All donors will be acknowledged on our “One Day. One KUA.” site (unless they opt to give anonymously at the time of the gift) on our Day of Giving, December 12.
Can I donate if I am outside of the United States?
Yes! Our giving form accepts Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express cards.
Gifts can also be made by check and mailed to: KUA Day of Giving, P.O. Box 188. Meriden, NH 03770. Gifts postmarked by November 13 will be counted on our December 12 Day of Giving.
Who can I contact for more information about "One Day. One KUA."?
You can direct questions about “One Day. One KUA.” to Billy Rivellini, Director of Annual Giving, at [email protected] or 603-469-2123.